
Neck Pain
Pinched Nerve in Neck Headache

How to tell if a pinched nerve in your neck is causing your headache

Do you have consistent headaches in addition to neck pain? You may be experiencing symptoms of a pinched nerve. A pinched nerve in your neck can cause several different types of headaches, depending on where the nerve is pinched and how long the nerve has...
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Neck Pain at Base of Skull

Why am I feeling neck pain at the base of my skull?

Neck pain is one of the most common types of pain among American adults. In fact, about 6% of women and 4% of men are dealing with neck pain on a daily basis.  If you’re experiencing neck pain at the base of your skull, you...
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My Neck Cracks a Lot

Do I need treatment if my neck cracks a lot?

Cracking sounds in the neck are fairly common. In fact, it’s likely that most people have heard cracking or popping sounds when moving their neck and head. These sounds are natural and harmless in most cases, and even people whose necks crack a lot shouldn’t...
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How Long Does a Stiff Neck Last?

How long does a stiff neck last?

The term “stiff neck” refers to soreness and limited range of motion in the neck. Although this is an easy idea to understand, there can be a number of different causes that can, in turn, have a significant effect on the duration of the condition....
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Patient Results with SOL Physical Therapy

No More Neck Pain!

“When I [first] came in I had a lot of pain in my neck.  I was still having quite a few headaches and I was very limited in turning and bending my head/neck.  I have seen improvement and am so happy in the way my...
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